The Benefits of L-Theanine for Sprinters

L-Theanine for Sprinters
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    L-Theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid found primarily in green tea leaves and some mushrooms. It has been widely studied for its potential health benefits and its ability to promote relaxation, focus, and stress reduction without causing drowsiness. In recent years, L-Theanine has gained popularity among athletes, including sprinters, due to its potential performance-enhancing properties.

    L-Theanine has various benefits for sprinters and athletes in general, including improved focus, enhanced recovery, stress reduction, and its synergistic potential when combined with caffeine for optimized performance.

    This blog post aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the benefits of L-Theanine for sprinters. We will explore the science behind L-Theanine’s impact on sprinting performance, both as a standalone supplement and in combination with caffeine.

    Understanding L-Theanine
    Definition and natural sources

    L-Theanine, also known as gamma-glutamylethylamide, is a non-essential amino acid that is not commonly found in our daily diet. It is predominantly found in green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) and, to a lesser extent, in certain mushrooms like Boletus badius.

    Although L-Theanine is not directly involved in building proteins, it plays a significant role in various physiological processes that can impact overall health and athletic performance.

    L-theanine for Sprinters

    Matcha, a type of green tea, is a natural source of L-theanine.

    General benefits of L-Theanine for athletes

    Research has shown that L-Theanine offers numerous benefits that can be advantageous for athletes, including:

    1. Improved mental focus and concentration: L-Theanine has been found to increase the production of alpha brainwaves, promoting a state of relaxed alertness that can help athletes maintain their focus during training and competition.

    2. Stress reduction and relaxation: L-Theanine helps increase the levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, which are responsible for mood regulation and stress reduction. This can aid in managing performance anxiety and promoting relaxation without causing drowsiness.

    3. Enhanced sleep quality: Some studies have suggested that L-Theanine can improve sleep quality and duration, allowing athletes to recover more effectively from intense training sessions.

    The safety and legality of L-Theanine

    L-Theanine is considered safe for consumption, with no known severe side effects at recommended doses. It is also recognized as a legal supplement by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and various sports organizations, allowing athletes to use L-Theanine without worrying about violating anti-doping regulations.

    L-theanine is a very safe compound with little to no associated side-effects, and is recognized as a legal supplement by WADA.

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    L-Theanine for Sprinters
    Improved focus and concentration
    1. The role of focus in sprinting performance

    Sprinting requires a high level of mental focus and concentration to maintain proper form, technique, and explosive power during races. Any lapse in focus can negatively impact a sprinter’s performance, leading to slower reaction times, inefficient movement patterns, and increased risk of injury. Therefore, maintaining optimal focus and concentration is crucial for sprinters to excel in their sport.

    1. How L-Theanine helps in boosting focus

    As mentioned earlier, L-Theanine increases alpha brainwave activity, promoting a state of relaxed alertness that enhances mental focus and concentration. This can be especially beneficial for sprinters during high-pressure competitions or intense training sessions, helping them maintain optimal performance and avoid mistakes that could hinder their results.

    Enhanced recovery and stress reduction
    1. Importance of recovery for sprinters

    Proper recovery is essential for sprinters to maintain peak performance and avoid overtraining or injuries. The high-intensity nature of sprint training places significant stress on the muscles and nervous system, making adequate recovery crucial for long-term success.

    1. L-Theanine’s role in reducing stress and promoting relaxation

    By increasing the levels of mood-regulating neurotransmitters, L-Theanine helps reduce stress and promote relaxation without causing drowsiness.

    For sprinters, this can aid in managing performance anxiety and enhancing recovery by reducing muscle tension and promoting a sense of calm.

    This improved state of relaxation can also lead to better sleep quality, further supporting the recovery process and enabling sprinters to consistently perform at their best.

    HIIT Sprinting

    Focus and relaxation is very important for sprinters, as it allows them to react quicker, maintain correct form and not let pre-race anxiety ruin their performance.

    L-Theanine and Caffeine Synergy
    Benefits of caffeine for sprinters

    Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that has been widely studied for its performance-enhancing effects on various sports, including sprinting. Some of the key benefits of caffeine for sprinters include:

      1. Increased alertness and reaction time: Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, enhancing alertness, focus, and reaction time, which can be critical for sprinters, especially at the start of a race.

      2. Enhanced muscle power and endurance: Research has shown that caffeine can improve muscle power and endurance, allowing sprinters to maintain higher levels of intensity throughout their races.

    I’ve written a separate article detailing the benefits of caffeine for sprinters here for more information.
    L-Theanine's role in mitigating caffeine's side effects

    While caffeine offers several benefits for sprinters, it can also cause side effects such as jitteriness, increased heart rate, and anxiety. 

    A little bit of this is good for performance, however, too much and it starts to have a negative effect. For some athletes, caffeine and the adrenaline on race/game day can be a bit too much – this is where L-theanine comes in.

    This is where L-Theanine can play a significant role in enhancing the positive effects of caffeine while reducing its side effects.

    By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, L-Theanine can help counteract the jitteriness and anxiety that some athletes experience when consuming caffeine, resulting in a more balanced and focused state.

    L-theanine for athletes

    While caffeine is a great performance enhancing supplement for sprinters and athlete alike – it does have some side effects. These include increasing anxiety in some individuals. L-theanine can help combat this sensation, allowing athletes to enjoy the benefits of caffeine without the jitteriness.

    Studies supporting the L-Theanine and caffeine combination

    Several studies have investigated the combined effects of L-Theanine and caffeine, demonstrating their synergistic potential.

    One study found that the combination of L-Theanine and caffeine improved cognitive performance and increased subjective alertness more effectively than either substance alone.

    Another study reported that this combination led to increased accuracy and attention during cognitively demanding tasks.

    Recommended dosage and timing for optimal results

    The optimal dosage and timing of L-Theanine and caffeine for sprinters may vary depending on individual tolerance and preferences. However, a commonly recommended ratio is 2:1 (L-Theanine to caffeine), with a typical dose ranging from 100-200 mg of L-Theanine and 50-100 mg of caffeine.

    To achieve the best results, sprinters should consider consuming this combination approximately 30-60 minutes before training or competition.

    Practical Considerations
    How to incorporate L-Theanine into a sprinter's diet

    Incorporating L-Theanine into a sprinter’s diet can be relatively simple, as the supplement is widely available in various forms, such as capsules, tablets, or powders.

    Some athletes may prefer to consume L-Theanine in its natural form by drinking green tea, which also provides additional health benefits from antioxidants. However, to achieve the desired dosage and effects, it is generally more convenient to use a supplement form.

    When combining L-Theanine with caffeine, sprinters can opt for a pre-formulated supplement that includes both ingredients or consume them separately, depending on personal preference.

    More Supplements for Sprinters

    If you’re interested in finding out more about other nutritional and supplement-related advice for sprinters, then you may like to check out my other articles on caffeine, beta-alanine, creatinecitrulline malate, carbohydrates and taurine for sprinters!


    In this blog post, we have explored the various benefits that L-Theanine can offer sprinters, including improved focus and concentration, enhanced recovery, and stress reduction.

    We also discussed the synergistic potential of L-Theanine when combined with caffeine, which can provide a balanced and focused state that is particularly beneficial for sprinting performance and reducing pre-race anxiety.

    Given the potential benefits and the safety profile of L-Theanine, sprinters and other athletes may want to consider exploring this supplement as a means to enhance their performance.

    Combining L-Theanine with caffeine can further optimize the potential benefits..

    1. Higashiyama, A., Htay, H.H., Ozeki, M., Juneja, L.R., & Kapoor, M.P. (2011). Effects of l-theanine on attention and reaction time response. Journal of Functional Foods, 3(3), 171-178. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2011.03.009

    2. Kimura, K., Ozeki, M., Juneja, L.R., & Ohira, H. (2007). L-Theanine reduces psychological and physiological stress responses. Biological Psychology, 74(1), 39-45. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2006.06.006

    3. Haskell, C.F., Kennedy, D.O., Milne, A.L., Wesnes, K.A., & Scholey, A.B. (2008). The effects of L-theanine, caffeine, and their combination on cognition and mood. Biological Psychology, 77(2), 113-122. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2007.09.008

    4. Owen, G.N., Parnell, H., De Bruin, E.A., & Rycroft, J.A. (2008). The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood. Nutritional Neuroscience, 11(4), 193-198. doi: 10.1179/147683008X301513

    5. Giesbrecht, T., Rycroft, J.A., Rowson, M.J., & De Bruin, E.A. (2010). The combination of L-theanine and caffeine improves cognitive performance and increases subjective alertness. Nutritional Neuroscience, 13(6), 283-290. doi: 10.1179/147683010X12611460764840

    6. Dodd, F.L., Kennedy, D.O., Riby, L.M., & Haskell-Ramsay, C.F. (2015). A double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the effects of caffeine and L-theanine both alone and in combination on cerebral blood flow, cognition, and mood. Psychopharmacology, 232(14), 2563-2576. doi: 10.1007/s00213-015-3895-0

    7. Spriet, L.L. (1995). Caffeine and performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 5, S84-S99. doi: 10.1123/ijsn.5.s1.s84

    8. Goldstein, E.R., Ziegenfuss, T., Kalman, D., Kreider, R., Campbell, B., Wilborn, C., … & Antonio, J. (2010). International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7(1), 5. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-7-5

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