Depth Jumps

Depth jumps are an advanced plyometric exercise aimed at developing reactive strength, lower body power, and explosiveness. By rapidly transitioning from a drop to a jump, this exercise trains your muscles to absorb force and generate power quickly, improving your overall athleticism and performance in sports.

Equipment Needed: Sturdy box or platform
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Stand on a sturdy box or platform of an appropriate height. For beginners, start with a lower height and gradually increase as you become more comfortable and confident.
  2. Step off the box or platform with one foot, allowing your body to drop straight down.
  3. Land with both feet on the ground, bending your knees slightly to absorb the impact.
  4. Immediately and explosively jump vertically as high as possible, using your arms for momentum and driving through your heels.
  5. Land softly on the ground with both feet, fully extending your hips and knees at the top of the jump.
  6. Reset your position on the box or platform and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Tips and Modifications:
  • Warm up properly before performing depth jumps to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Ensure the box or platform is stable and secure to avoid slips or falls.
  • Focus on minimizing the time spent on the ground between the drop and the jump to maximize reactive strength development.
  • Increase the height of the box as you progress to challenge yourself and improve your explosiveness.
  • For an advanced variation, try incorporating horizontal or lateral jumps into the exercise.
Sets, Repetitions, and Rest:

Perform 3-4 sets of 4-6 repetitions, with 90-120 seconds of rest between sets. Adjust the number of sets, repetitions, and rest periods based on your fitness level and training goals. Remember that depth jumps are a high-intensity exercise and should be performed with proper technique and adequate recovery between sets to prevent injury and ensure optimal results.

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