Hill Sprints: Techniques and Benefits of Incline Speed Training
Introduction In recent years, incline speed training and uphill sprinting have emerged as innovative and highly effective methods for enhancing running performance. Research demonstrates that hill sprints not only improve running economy but also increase leg strength and power, leading to better speed and acceleration (Barnes & Kilding, 2015). Furthermore, this type of sprinting can […]
The Importance of Starting Blocks for Sprinters: How They Work and Why Sprinters Use Them
The History and Evolution of Starting Blocks Before starting blocks were invented, sprinters would start their races from a standing position, using a hand on the ground to push themselves forward. This technique, known as a crouch start, was not very efficient and often resulted in slow starts. Starting blocks were first introduced in the […]
Running vs Sprinting
Introduction Whenever I talk to someone about Sprinting/Sprint training, I often find that they do not ‘get’ the difference when it comes to running vs sprinting. Often I get the impression that they have a particular image in their mind: someone putting on their running shoes and going out onto the street for an evening […]